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In today’s world, making money has become a top priority for many people. With the rise of the gig economy and the increasing availability of online work, it seems like anyone can make money if they put their mind to it. However, the question remains: do you need technical skill to make money?


The answer is not a simple one. It depends on what kind of work you want to do and how much money you want to make. If you are looking to make a lot of money quickly, then having technical skill can certainly help. For example, if you are a software developer or a data analyst, you can make a lot of money by working for a tech company or starting your own business.

However, not all jobs require technical skill. There are many jobs in the service industry, such as waitressing or bartending, that do not require any technical skill at all. These jobs may not pay as well as tech jobs, but they can still provide a decent income.

Furthermore, even if you do not have technical skill, there are still ways to make money. For example, you can start a blog or a YouTube channel and make money through advertising revenue. You can also sell products online, such as through Etsy or Amazon, without needing any technical skill.

That being said, having technical skill can certainly give you an advantage in the job market. It can make you more marketable and allow you to command a higher salary. Additionally, having technical skill can make it easier to start your own business or pursue a freelance career.

In conclusion, while technical skill is not necessary for making money, it can certainly help. It depends on what kind of work you want to do and how much money you want to make. If you are interested in pursuing a career in tech or starting your own business, then having technical skill is definitely a plus. However, if you are looking for a job in the service industry or want to make money through other means, then technical skill may not be necessary.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to find a job or career that you enjoy and that provides you with the income you need to live the life you want. Whether or not you have technical skill, there are many ways to make money and achieve financial success.

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